Dr Olenka Dean

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SENCo Programme

Every child and young person is different and will require strategies and support personalised to the individual strengths, needs and differences.

With this programme you will receive support and advice about the specific children in your setting while also building capacity within your setting by helping you understand and identify those strengths and needs yourself.

The programme will:

***develop your ability to complete assessments systematically***

***help you consider the effectiveness of the assessment tools you use***

***support you to develop robust intervention plans for specific children in your setting***

***help you consider your needs as a setting and identify strategies and support at a whole-school level***


Who do we work with?

 The key contact for this programme is the SENCo and it is expected that the SENCo will attend the majority of sessions and complete the training modules.

However, SENCos may wish to share specific aspects of the training content with staff in their settings. For example:

- Training up their TAs with the Precision Teaching training available, - Training for assistant SENCos to use solution-focused questioning 

You can also choose how you wish to use your 10 sessions. The sessions can be used to:

*Reflect on aspects of the training,

*Discuss children's progress,

*Identify next steps in the assessment of a child's needs, 

*Consider why an intervention might not be going as planned,

*Brainstorm together about systemic issues that are acting as barriers and plan ways to overcome these.

It is anticipated that the SENCo will attend the majority of sessions, however, other members of staff are welcome to take a session instead if it is felt that this would be helpful.



Online Training Course


per month

Join this online course and it will take you step-by-step through a systematic, holistic assessment method which will help you understand the strengths and needs of your children and maximise change by implementing systemic intervention plans that focus on environmental factors as well as within-child factors.

You can work through the content at your own pace and at a time that suits you. You can also share content with those in your setting where this will help you to implement assessments and interventions.

Subscribe to this course

SENCo Programme


When you purchase this option you get:

12 months access to the online training course.

10 x 20 minute sessions with an Educational Psychologist.

Book a call to find out more

Book a call

Are you a group of SENCos or a multi-academy trust?

If you are a group of SENCos from one setting or a multi-academy trust I can offer a bespoke package to accommodate your needs.

Book a call to discuss your options.


Book a call

"I now have a plan. Can see that the course should compliment my workload rather than increase it."

- Vicky, SENCo

"The opportunity to speak to someone outside of the organisation who does not know the people in it and therefore has no bias. The advice therefore feels genuinely there to help. I felt like I had been 'counselled' positively to make a difference. I also felt open to listening because of the nature of the relationship."

- Amanda, SENCo

"The opportunity to discuss a situation in detail and explore multiple solutions."

- Emma, SENCo

50% Complete

Two Step

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